The Women of 3Dnatives in the Spotlight!
In honor of International Women’s Rights Day 2024, once again, we wanted to put the women in 3D printing in the spotlight. Though this year, we are taking a look inwards and talking to those at 3Dnatives! Whether they’re content creators, design or editorial managers, or in charge of business development, in the video below they give us their own takes on the additive manufacturing market and their predictions for 2024, all markets included.
Since 1977, March 8 has been a day to take stock of progress in women’s rights around the world. Officially instituted by the UN, International Women’s Day serves to mobilize and “highlight the struggle for women’s rights (…) but also progress still to be made to achieve gender equality.” And every year, 3Dnatives highlights women who are present in additive manufacturing through interviews, portraits and more. This time, we wanted to interview those we know best: the women on our own team!
Discussing International Women’s Day 2024, Mélanie Wallet, Head of Content at 3Dnatives, explains: “Women make up 70% of the 3Dnatives team, so why not make the most of it this year? We all have specific and technical skills and knowledge, used daily in our work. This day is an opportunity to showcase them and give our point of view on the additive manufacturing market. We made this video with that in mind, and it’s also an opportunity for our readers and audience to discover the faces of 3Dnatives! What’s more, our team is international: it’s a real added value for us to show the advancements in each region, whether in France, Spain, Italy or the DACH region, not forgetting the English-speaking countries. Culturally, it’s very enriching.”
What do you think about the place of women in the additive manufacturing sector? Did you like our video for International Women’s Day 2024? Let us know in a comment below or on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter pages! Don’t forget to sign up for our free weekly newsletter here, the latest 3D printing news straight to your inbox! You can also find all our videos on our YouTube channel.