Established approximately twenty years ago, British manufacturer Photocentric initially entered the market by offering a solution to simplify the production of photopolymer stamps. Over time, they expanded their product range to include LCD/mSLA 3D printers and photopolymer materials, while also providing plastic part printing services.
Key Features of the Liquid Crystal Titan Printer
The Liquid Crystal Titan printer stands as Photocentric’s largest offering, boasting an impressive printing volume of 700 x 395 x 1200 mm. Employing LCD/mSLA technology, it features a high-resolution 32-inch display with a resolution of 7660 x 4320 pixels and a pixel size of 91 micrometers. The printer’s remarkable precision allows for the creation of layers as thin as 100 micrometers. Noteworthy features of the Liquid Crystal Titan include integrated control software, an automatic resin refilling mechanism, and a proprietary Photocentric development that prevents the printed object from sticking to the print plate, minimizing the risk of damage. This resin printer finds applications in diverse industries, including automotive, transportation, arts, and advertising.